A Lesser-known Organization of Few and Proud Tropical Explorers

Officially founded in 2018, the new Philippine Mountaineering Society (PMS) stands as a beacon of exploration and adventure, devoted to uncovering the secrets of the lesser-known peaks in the Philippines. Far beyond the well-trodden paths and mainstream summits, PMS is an organization that thrives on the thrill of discovery, seeking out the hidden jewels of the Philippine mountain ranges. In a nation celebrated for its breathtaking landscapes, PMS may be a lesser-known organization but it sees itself as a dynamic force, weaving together a community of passionate mountaineers committed to scaling heights that have yet to be etched into popular consciousness. Join us as we delve into the heart of the PMS, where the spirit of exploration reigns supreme, and the call of untouched summits beckons to those who dare to venture beyond the ordinary.

A Brief History of PMS

The Old PMS (1978 - 2017)

In the annals of mountaineering history, the name 'Philippine Mountaineering Society (PMS)' had its roots in the late Edwin Gatia, one of the summiteers of Mount Guiting Guiting in the 1980s. However, as the years unfolded, the once-thriving group became marred by stagnation, and its members found solace in the camaraderie of their gatherings, often fueled by the intoxication of spirits. For almost four decades, the PMS existed as a shadow of its former self. Some people even mocked it by calling it The Philippine Manginginom (drunkards) Society. It became just another ordinary outdoor group that serves no higher purpose.

Shaking Things Up (2017 - 2018)

The year 2017 marked a pivotal moment in the history of PMS, when the late Edwin Gatia befriended Erwin Garcia (their names sounds the same!) through Facebook. Later that year, the two found themselves engaged in frequent and spirited discussions, often accompanied by the clinking of beer bottles, contemplating the future trajectory of PMS. As their camaraderie deepened, it became evident that PMS needed a new start.

Despite being a newcomer to PMS, Erwin Garcia made the bold choice to 'shake things up.

Driven by an insatiable curiosity for exploring the uncharted, Erwin Garcia envisioned a revitalized PMS that would transcend the boundaries of its past. He renewed interest for exploring lesser-known places with a new mantra: More Explorations. Less Beer. More Adventures. Less Talk. Recognizing the need for a fresh start, he embarked on a mission to redefine the society's purpose and direction. However, this audacious vision often brought him into discord with other members mainly because he is a newcomer and an unknown figure.

The Birth of the New PMS (2018)

Despite the 'small talks' among old members, Erwin Garcia remained resolute in his pursuit of a reinvigorated PMS. His passion for change, coupled with a willingness to navigate through dissent, served as a catalyst for the organization's resurgence. The clash of visions between Erwin Garcia and some members, including the late Edwin Gatia, ultimately became a crucible in which the identity and future of PMS were forged.

Contrary to popular belief, the name 'Philippine Mountaineering Society' has never been officially registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) before. The persistent small talks and disputes among the old PMS members were perceived as the primary reasons behind this lack of formal registration for the organization.

In 2018, Erwin Garcia took matters into his own hands and registered the new iteration of PMS with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), thereby technically assuming the role of the founder of the new Philippine Mountaineering Society.

The Certificate of Incorporation of the Philippine Mountaineering Society Incorporated was granted on April 13, 2018.

A New Era of PMS Exploration(2019 onwards)

Between 2018 and 2019, the Philippine Mountaineering Society (PMS) faced internal strife fueled by power struggles, money-making schemes and shady fund-raising activities involving some old members. Amidst the chaos, in mid-2019, several members attempted to conquer Mount Silanganan in Bataan but failed due to poor planning. They made another attempt a few months later, but failed again.

Undeterred, Erwin Garcia persisted in scaling Mount Silanganan, without the company of other members. On December 29, 2019, he and an Aeta bushwhacker- Nelson Quitain, took a trail-less route and successfully reached the summit. The news of their triumph had a profound impact, leading to a notable silence among the troubled old PMS members. Many chose to leave voluntarily, while those involved in money schemes were asked to depart.

The ascent of Mount Silanganan became a symbol of spirit of exploration, prompting a cleansing of the PMS community. Only very few members, driven by a true love for exploration, remained, reaffirming their commitment to the pure essence of exploration.

The successful summiting of Mount Silanganan has motivated Erwin to do more explorations of lesser-known peaks such as:

  • Mount Iba and Mount Dome (2020)
  • Mount Payte (2021)
  • Mount Pimmayong (2022):

As the PMS continues its expeditions, the organization remains a tight-knit group of passionate individuals bound by their love for the tropics. In the heart of the jungle, where the sun-dappled leaves whisper tales of ancient mysteries, the proud new PMS explorers persist in their quest to uncover the hidden gems of the natural world.

On March 8, 2020, the lesser-known peaks of Mount Dome and Mount Iba was successfully reached by Erwin Garcia and Mark Pingue, and local Aetas Leo Canduli and Calob Canduli.

Somewhere along the tree-less and trail-less route leading to the summit of a lesser-known peak of Mount Payte. In January 2021, the summit was successfully reached by Erwin Garcia and an Aeta bushwhacker - Joel Fernandes.

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